Specialties: Top Die, Playoffs Buff, Winning Championships
Hobbies: Nothing
Favorite food: Many, but has a special fondness for burgers
Favorite champions: GP, Gnar
- Self-admitted workaholic. Doesn’t know what he would be doing without his job. Multiple people have commented that he never stops talking about League.
- Considers himself bad at other video games.
- Started his career as a support player in Season 2. He played that role for a year before swapping to top lane.
- His favorite drink is Coke, and he loves it so much it was his first competitive name. Famously, he declared he wanted to drink Coke out of the Summoner’s Cup when SKT T1 was competing at Worlds in 2013 (there’s pictures of him and all).
- On the topic of food, he seems very fond of burgers. One of the first things he mentioned wanting to try in the US was In-N-Out. He also had a segment on the LCS broadcast talking about burgers and other foods he likes. There was also a moment in SQUAD (the Team Liquid docuseries) in which it was mentioned that he and CoreJJ used to go to the same ramen place every night.
- Another food fact, he has said the only food he can tolerate having before games or during series is bananas. Anything else makes him feel sick.
- He had a GP pentakill in a Showmatch in 2014, then another one in a competitive match in 2022.
- At some point he was reported to be the highest paid player in LCS. it’s likely he’s still one of the top earners.
- In 2019 he acquired a building in South Korea, known as the “Impact” tower because it has his name on the front. He said he saved money for 7 years so that he could do this.
- He has some quirky pocket picks that he pulls out from time to time: Singed, Shen, Mordekaiser… No matter the meta, if he sees an angle for them he will pick them.
- He considers himself his biggest rival.
- The Top Die meme dates back to 2016, when his English wasn’t exactly the best. Meteos said during an interview that it was easy playing with Impact because he’s just minding his own business, then he hears a “top die” and then the enemy top laner indeed dies. (What Impact meant with that is likely “top is going to die.”)
- Good friends with Reapered, Cain, CoreJJ and Huni. Also close to Piglet when he was still playing in NA.
- He had a “synergistic bond” (in the words of Peter Dun) with Jiizuke in 2021. They both talked about how much they enjoyed playing together in multiple interviews that year.
- Widely respected by other pro players. Back in his C9 days, Seraph called him “the perfect top laner.” He’s been a role model for different generations of top laners. Former coaches, teammates and team staff have praised his work ethic, leadership capabilities and skill.