Mid lane
Toronto, Canada 🇨🇦
October 1, 2004
Zodiac Sign
Libra ♎
- Hobbies: Basketball, other video games like CSGO
- Representative Emoji: 😴 (self-chosen); 🦊(used by fans in place of ‘red panda’, the animal which he is said to resemble)
- Favorite Champ: Sylas
- Favorite Skin: Freljord Sylas
- Favorite LoL player: Chovy
- Favorite Sport: Basketball (he loves watching NBA too)
- Favorite Toronto Raptor: DeMar DeRozan
- Favorite fruit: Mangoes (?)
- Favorite foreign food: Pasta and sushi
- Favorite dessert: Cheesecake
- Favorite music artists: Future, A Boogie, Drake, J. Cole, Frank Sinatra
- Walkout song: Meek Mill- Dreams and Nightmares
- Favorite hobby: Sleep and Netflix
- Dogs or Cats: dogs
- He has an older sister, Allison. She came up with his ign “jojopyun” (it’s also derived from his real name).
- He originally ONLY liked Chovy for a month, then started branching out to other mid laners. Now he also likes / learns from Rookie, Scout, caPs, Zeka, Faker, Showmaker, Knight, to name a few (these are all mid laners he has mentioned as role models in interviews).
- Doesn’t watch anime.
- Attended online high school while playing professionally in LCS Academy; didn’t end up completing it.
- He is Korean-Canadian, but he doesn’t speak much Korean. Calls himself “fake Korean.”
- Used to be a high level Fortnite player. He never had any desire of making a living out of playing Fortnite however, he just competed in some cash cups for fun. He was also known for stream sniping Tfue and beating him 1v1.
- Played League on and off with friends. He didn’t start playing seriously until around 2020. Also didn’t plan on becoming a pro player until he got the offer for EGP from Andrew Barton, at which point he thought maybe he could be good at this career. [source]
- Still good friends with his teammates from EG Academy, such as Tomio, who he jokingly calls his “son”.
- Also known for trash talking on Twitter and in all chat. He does this because it’s fun for him and raises the stakes. He was muted or blocked on Tournament Realm by several pros because of this, such as Doublelift and Blaber.
- Youngest player to win LCS. (17 years, 6 months)
- Known for spamming champion’s queue. Finished spring split 1 of CQ in rank 1.
- Known for wearing lavender crocs even on stage starting summer 2022. These crocs were infamously banned from being worn during Worlds 2022, but he would still carry them on stage. He has a few charms on his Crocs, including some Kobe Bryant themed ones. Jojo says he wears them to everything casual because they’re comfortable. He also collects some shoes.
- Known for never being on time and being forgetful/misplacing things. For example, he lost his hotel room key 6 times in Houston.
- Promised to stream after winning spring split 2022, but never did so.
- Got along well with his first jungler in the LCS, Inspired, who praises and banters him often.
- Won first-team all pro in summer split and LCS rookie of the year in 2022.
- If he wasn’t an LCS pro, he says he would be a “lawyer, doctor, actor, astronaut, President, general, NBA player, and NFL player.”
- Jojo stated on multiple occasions that he plays better when he’s doing shotcalling for the team, or “micro managing”. He stepped into more of a shotcalling role as of the 2023 summer split.
- Had the opportunity to join LCK team Liiv Sandbox for the 2024 season but chose Cloud9.
- Lost an English typing competition to ShowMaker. Won a bottle cap flicking competition against ShowMaker and Thanatos.
- As of 2024, he is the first North American import player to the LEC, joining Movistar Koi for the 2025 season. He received multiple NA & EU offers but decided Koi was the best option. (He also got one LCK offer but says LCK offseason is too long so if the offer fell through last-second, his NA & EU offers might be gone by then.)
- Jojo did a lot of soul-searching and reflecting during the offseason after Cloud9’s unfortunate elimination from the 2024 summer playoffs in 4th place. He realized he could be more “professional” for example with taking care of his body more, and worked hard on this during offseason. He also regretted not streaming or tweeting more.
- Began streaming more regularly towards the end of 2024 after making his verbal agreement with Movistar Koi and gaining many new fans. From Nov 4 to Nov 16, Jojo streamed multiple hours daily promising he would until he reached Rank 1 NA, which he did achieve. He often played Spanish music on stream and his favorite songs to spam were Danza Kuduro and Gasolina. He also engaged in fun queue content such as Spanish Duolingo. He plans to continue streaming sometimes as he enjoys it.
- Has a dog at home (in Toronto); you can find more pics on his twitter, and he’s also shown his dog on stream.
- Fans agreed that Jojopyun resembles a red panda; this is also acknowledged by the KOI org as the players did a photoshoot with plushies of their representative animals.
- Enjoys the fandom and passion in Europe, but is still adjusting to the new environment in some ways; for example, he noted that he wasn’t used to the games being played much later at night (starting 6pm local time) compared to NA starting their games at 2pm.