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LYN Oddie: “Ever since I’ve been a pro player, I’ve gotten a lot of offers in NA, but I wasn’t brave enough to come here because I was really young.”


Q: Tell me about yourself. What do you do outside of League?

Oddie: Well, I just got married. In November, I got married. I didn’t post it yet, to be honest, because we were waiting for [….] the photos and videos and everything. *Oddie shows the ring, it’s very pretty*

My name is Sebastian so it has an S, and Brianna is my wife’s name so it has a B — [engraved, interlaced on the ring]. So, obviously, I have a normal life, [outside of] League of Legends things.

Q: Where did you go for your honeymoon?

Oddie: Actually, I went to Japan, we went to Tokyo Disney. I don’t like the fast rides, so my wife went down rides that are really fast. She went [alone] because I’m kinda scared of them. I don’t like the ones that are backwards or like upside down.

Q: So you arrived in LA today this morning (1/14)?

Oddie: Yes, [the flight was] 9 hours. Not too much [sleep] because the flight was at 1 AM, and I couldn’t sleep at because there were children crying. This is my first time here [in LA]. It was kind of my dream, being in USA.

[…] I’ve been in so many places, so many countries. And when I [come] here, it it feels different, but a good different. The atmosphere here feels nice. Usually when I go to Peru, it feels like very heavy and humid. But I I love the food there in Peru, obviously.

Q: Since the team isn’t all here yet, what have you been up to?

Oddie: Actually, for Licorice (who is here already), I always knew him. When we were both at home, we played duo queue. [I had] 120 ping from Peru. […]

It was a pretty funny story because he was going to be my top laner in like 2015? He was going to play in Mexico. He was going to go to Mexico. But [they] chose another top laner, so […] we’ve known each other for a long time.

Q: What’s going on with the rest of the team?

Oddie: So, the Korean guys, they already have the visa approval, but they need to wait a little bit for one paper just to [finalize]. We’re just waiting on that. But until then, everyone is playing solo queue. There’s a rule to play 20 solo queue games a day, because we aren’t [able to scrim].

Q: When did you decide to come to NA?

Oddie: Ever since I’ve been a pro player, I’ve gotten a lot of offers in NA, but I wasn’t brave enough to come here because I was really young. I didn’t know how to speak good English. Also I was scared to be alone, so I didn’t take the offer. So I made my name in Latin America.

Then, everything happened with the end of the LLA. I decided to keep playing because I wanted more — so it was 2 choices, to be in Brazil or be on here in Los Angeles. Actually, I was going to be in Brazil, but Lyon told me that they wanted me. So because I owe a lot of my name and a lot of things to them, I choose to go here and also fulfill my dream to be in USA. […]

Now, even if I get an offer at another [project] that is full American, I will accept because now I’m different. You know? I’ve grown up a little bit.

Q: Do you have any final message for fans?

Oddie: Obviously, we’re gonna do the best that we can. To be honest, it’s gonna be rough because the teams are already practicing that we are not [together] as a team. But we are doing whatever we can to to bring the best individual [levels]. We’re trying our best to to do everything good.

I got a lot of messages that when when they say bad things about us, they we don’t care. But I think it’s very different. There’s a lot of people that care about you guys. You guys are a boost for us.

So I want you guys to keep that in mind also because [your fandom] is really important to us. It’s not only because we feel better when you guys talk good about us, it’s because it makes us feel confident that we are also doing the best for you guys.