First main: Mordekaiser
Favorite champ: Kalista (when he played AD)
Favorite food: Steak
Favorite movie: Shawshank Redemption
Favorite show: Breaking Bad
Favorite streamer: Forsen (during his Hearthstone days, before he got too popular)
Cats or dogs: Dogs
- One of the most respected and achieved Western bot laners of all time.
- Has 10 All-Pro appearances under his belt, and was also the EU LCS Rookie of the Split in the Summer of 2015.
- One of his most famous moments is unfortunately a regretful sequence that has been captured in the episode Zven’s Quicksilver Sash of the documentary series The Replay Files.
- The first ever player to win a title in both EU and NA.
- Second player to win an LCS title playing 2 different roles (first was huhi).
- During his career as a bot laner, he scored 7 pentakills (or, as they are called, “Zventakills”), 6 of them during his time in NA.
- Used to go by the IGN Niels. He switched to Zven in 2016. His current IGN is the first half of his family name but with a Z “so it’s easy to recognize.”
- After role swapped to support, he copied 2 things from 2 other support players. First, he started calling himself “Support King” because Mithy used to call himself that and sign his tweets with #supportKing. Second, he copied SKT Wolf’s signature hand sign. “I’ll just take both of those guys’ branding and make it my own.”
- Started playing in Season 1.
- His favorite skin is Space Groove Blitzcrank because he thinks it’s “literally Pay to Win.”
- His favorite emote is the question mark frog.
- His favorite progamer when he was growing up was HotshotGG.
- Doesn’t watch anime, but watched Dragon Ball as a kid.
- Has 2 older siblings.