Specialties: Top Gap, Smooth Voice
Signature champs: Gnar, Renekton, Jayce
- Famous for his lane dominant playstyle.
- Awarded with the LCS MVP of Spring 2022. He also has 2 appeareances in All-Pro selections in LCS and one in LCK.
- He’s exempt from military service. It’s speculated that it’s due to some health condition.
- According to Yeon, it’s common occurrence that he will play “too fast” during scrims, then apologize and promise to “slow play” next time.
- He doesn’t like cilantro.
- During a SQUAD episode, CoreJJ posed the question: “which former teammate would you bring here right now if you could?” Summit’s answer was LWX because “he has a cat, it’s so cute.”
- “Wow, nice team gap.”
- His deep, smooth voice in comms videos became so popular that C9 made a whole ASMR video featuring him.