Nickname(s): Ming
Hobbies: shopping
Favorite food: doesn’t have, but if he has to pick, then fried chicken
Favorite champion: Graves
Favorite non-League game: Valorant
Favorite movie: Interstellar
Favorite anime: One Piece
Most used app: Tiktok
- He was born in China and moved to America as a kid. He is fluent in Chinese and has Chinese citizenship.
- Played for Team Infernal Drake in Scouting Grounds 2017 and was drafted second by Echo Fox (for their academy team).
- He joined TSM Academy in 2019 and made a sudden LCS debut at the end of summer split as TSM’s jungle position was in flux.
- Received the LCS MVP award in summer 2021.
- Known for going 0-6 at Worlds 2020 after winning summer split with TSM.
- Known for the “9-man sleep”, in which Spica landed a 5-man sleep as Lillia vs GEN at Worlds 2020 but received no follow-up from his teammates who appeared to also be asleep.
- Known for his Baron steals/winning smite fights.
- Known for his Nidalee. Would pick a Nidalee skin if he won Worlds.
- Known for camping Zven in solo queue.
- Believes jungle is weak.
- Played roblox with his younger brother in the past on stream. His sub sound is his brother saying “ESKETIT”
- Enjoys talking about fashion like clothes and shoes. Owns Gucci rings. Has a pair of Lightning McQueen crocs.
- Is dating Mayumi, ex pro-player from Brazil and current Team Liquid Honda content creator.
- Is good friends with former teammates Bjergsen and Doublelift.
- Misses Tactical the most from TSM Academy.
- Bjergsen got him into drinking tea. He likes Japanese sencha (a green tea). He doesn’t like strong flavors and goes for something light.
- Was invited to CBLAO in Dec. 2023, a Brazillian tournament including content creators, high elo players, and pros. Joined by Licorice, Palafox, Reven, and Corejj, the team ended 6th place.
- Played in the NA Legends Invitational, an off-season tournament ran by Disguised Toast in which LCS, NACL, and streamers faced off. Spica played with Balls, Stunt, Sneaky, and Smoothie. They lost in semi-finals to Team Yassuo.
- Played in the Zoomers vs Boomers showmatch at the beginning of 2023 and won with Revenge, Jojopyun, Berserker and Busio.
- After an unsuccessful year on Flyquest, he was a streamer for FLY during spring 2024. He enjoyed being a streamer more than he thought he would.
- In a last minute roster change, Spica was chosen as Dignitas’ starting jungler for summer 2024, despite the org promising eXyu that he would be the starter.
- He thinks taking the split off helped him regain confidence and new perspectives on the game.
- His 2nd favorite role to play in solo queue is midlane.
- He has a dog, a Shiba Inu named Yumi.
- His PFP on Twitch and YouTube is Astro Boy, he also has a soloqueue account named ASTROBOY99.
- Often co-streams LTAN in 2025
- Is part of Doublelift’s OQ team, Near Airport