Nickname(s): Pewsikee (퓨식이, became a meme after Yagao mispronounced Pyosik repeatedly) LoL-Seungwoo (롤승우, because he looks like soccer player Lee Seungwoo)
Role model: CloudTemplar
Favorite champ: Kindred
Favorite color: Yellow
Favorite Dish to Prepare For Yourself: Instant ramen
Starbucks order: Iced Tea
- Pronounced “pyo-shick” (not pyo-sick), his gamertag means “mark”, which is a primary feature of his favorite and most iconic champion, Kindred.
- His favorite off-meta champion is Master Yi, his favorite skin is God Fist Lee Sin, and the first champ he ever played was Miss Fortune.
- Before becoming a professional player, he was a League of Legends streamer on Afreeca TV, or an Afreeca BJ (broadcasting jockey). His channel name was “Da-pyo-noh” (다표너), which is short for 다음 표식은 너야, or “the next mark is you!”, a voiceline of Kindred.
- He became a streamer after appearing on Lee Sangho’s broadcast, and after starting streaming, he also became friends with Kim Mingyo (two famous League streamers on Afreeca).
- Many people attribute his outgoing personality and sense for content to his background as a streamer.
- In the world of “talent” and “hard work,” Pyosik can be expressed as the shining example of “hard work,” since in seasons 4 and 5 he was only bronze and silver, and even while attending school he recorded thousands of solo queue games, which points to how passionate he was about League.
- He was scouted by cvMax, who noticed his Lee Sin through an Afreeca tournament. cvMax reportedly said “he has good mechanics but is bad at LoL,” and expressed interest in training him. After offering him a chance to tryout for DRX, Pyosik made the 3rd team at DRX. Thanks to his mechanics, he was promoted after only two months. He was officially announced as called-up to the starting roster on December 4th, 2019.
- At the beginning of his career, he was known as a mechanically talented Kindred one-trick. One of his weaknesses as a new pro player was said to be that he had too much of a “having fun” attitude towards games due to his streaming background.
- Pyosik has a sentimental personality and was very close with his teammates from his first year, 2020 DRX, so he had a hard time when the team broke up, but was reunited with Deft a season later.
- Pyosik has a running joke with Showmaker, where they act as if they’re not close (because before Pyosik went pro he had gone to a fan meeting and taken a picture with Showmaker) and speak in formal language to each other.
- During his streaming days, he would often talk about how he wished Kindred had more skins (back when Kindred had very few), and a viewer said he could just go pro, win Worlds, and make his own Kindred skin (jokingly, since at the time he was nowhere near able to even try going pro). Years later, he won Worlds and it actually came true.
- In Korean streams, it’s custom to greet the streamer with the first syllable of their name plus “ha” (short for “hi”, such as Dep-ha for Deft, or Peh-ha for Faker). However, the greeting that Pyosik’s viewers use with him and he uses with them is Pyo-ee-ru (표이루), usually said in a very bright voice. [I am not sure but I believe it has Japanese origins.]
- He has a post-victory dance ceremony where he acts out a character from the match; he started this when he was a streamer, continued in LCK and even at Worlds 2022.
- After returning from Worlds 2022, most teams had already started conducting stove league verbally, so Pyosik did not have many options after he was unable to return to DRX, which led to him joining Team Liquid for 2023. Pyosik expressed that he wished he had been able to become DRX’s “franchise player” like Faker for T1, since he had spent all three years of his career there so far.
- Here is a video of him dancing to Sakuranbo at his chat’s request.
- In his opinion, the best things in LA are Chic-fil-a and the weather, and the best food in LA is pizza. Additionally, his favorite English phrases are “I’m chilling” and “shit.”
- If he was a dog, he’d be Sammy, the TL chef’s dog.