Keel Ryan Keel NACL

Position Jungle
Height 5'9
Birthplace Philadelphia, Pennsylvania🇺🇸
Birthday June 29, 2001
Zodiac Sign Cancer♋

Hobbies: Skating, playing bass guitar

Favorite LoL player: Mowgli

Favorite food: Bagels

Favorite color: black


  • His representative animal is a penguin because “[they’re] short, stubby, slow, and with zero ability to attack, kill or defend [themselves] against other animals”.
  • Favorite champs are Udyr, Kha’Zix, and Janna.
  • His favorite music artist is Mac Miller.
  • Started playing League in Season 2 when he was 10.
  • His old IGN was Frostynomad but it was “too cringe” so he changed it to his last name.
  • One time he broke his neck and had to play in a neck brace for 3 months. He was unable to see the map because he couldn’t turn his head.

Written by Delfino. Thanks to Keel for the help with this profile!

For corrections, clarifications or additions, get in touch.

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