Nicknames: Haz, Big Haz
Representative animal: Dog (or kangaroo according to Pyosik)
Hobbies: Table tennis, watching anime, cycling
Favorite LoL player: Faker
Favorite champions: Yasuo, Irelia, and Leblanc
Favorite skin: Nightbringer Yasuo
Favorite food: Sushi, fried chicken
Favorite color: White
Favorite school subject: PE or math
Favorite movie: Parasite
Favorite song: OMG by NewJeans (or Ditto)
Favorite anime: Attack on Titan, Bleach
Favorite video game besides League: Maplestory
Starbucks order: Iced Latte
- He’s Korean-Australian and can speak Korean and English fluently.
- He chose Haeri because he wanted a similar IGN to his own name.
- He started playing in Season 3 when he was 13 because of a friend. He hit challenger around 15-16.
- He’s a high school chess champion.
- He is roommates with Pyosik in 2023 (in the TL apartments). If he had to pick another player on the roster to be roommates with, it would be Yeon because he’s been teammates with him for the longest, but he would love to be roommates with them all.
- He’s taken the MBTI test 4 times and says he is very introverted.
- He was inspired to become a pro player by Faker and the crowds at worlds giving him goosebumps. Faker also inspired him to be a mid laner, and he also thinks mid has the widest champ pool diversity and is the most fun role.
- The best foods he’s had in NA include Hai di lao hotpot, Kazunori, Parks BBQ, Sun non dang, and Prince St Pizza.
- Some things he likes are tetris, chess, basketball, table tennis, and anime. He plays chess and tetris a lot during his break time.
- He would choose Yasuo for a Worlds skin since he enjoys playing him and thinks it would sell well.
- He likes both dogs and cats, but he is allergic to cats.
- Recently (2023), his favorite or go-to meal is pho, which he considers not too heavy, not too unhealthy, and he loves the soup.
- His favorite Australian food is chicken parmigiana or meatpies, Tim tams (chocolate), and he thinks Australia has great coffee and beef.
- In his own words, he tries to be a nice person and appreciate the fans as much as he can. His goal is to be able to look back and not have any regrets when his career is finished.
- After his league career he isn’t yet sure what he wants to do, but thinks coaching could be a viable option.
- His Korean name is “Kang Hanbyeol”.