Nicknames: Fudgey, Pudgey, Fudge Factor
Hobbies: Listening to music and hanging out with friends
Representative animal: Cat
Favorite music artist: Kendrick Lamar
Favorite movie: Interstellar
Favorite show: The White Lotus
Favorite anime: One Piece
Favorite song: The Recipe – Kendrick Lamar
Favorite school subject: Math
Favorite food: Steak
Favorite color: Red
Favorite champs: Irelia, Fiora, and Sylas
Least fav champ: Singed
Favorite pro player: Darshan
Favorite streamer: used to be LS, recently it’s Sanchovies
Biggest fear: Death
Cats or dogs: cats
- He’s friends with 100t’s Tenacity.
- He acts extremely thirsty on Twitter.
- Didn’t go back to Australia for 3 years after coming to America to play for C9.
- Is close to teammate Blaber.
- Swapped to mid lane for Spring 2022, then was sent back to top lane by jojopyun for Summer.
- He’s close friends with LS, Nemesis, and Veigar V2.
- He greatly dislikes Renekton.
- He started playing League during season 3, when he was 11 years old.
- His favorite pro player when growing up was Kiin.
- Has 1 brother and 2 sisters.
- He enjoys talking about random philosophical stuff.
- If he was not a pro player, he says he would be homeless.
- He no longer eats junk food, but his favorite junk food used to be McFlurries.
- If he was a champion, he would be Jayce because “he’s a gigachad.”
- His favorite skin is Forsaken Jayce.
- If there was a movie made about him, he would want Milan Oleksij to play him.
- If he won the lottery, he would spend it on real estate.
- He is decent at soccer.
- His favorite game other than League is WoW.
- Has a secret SoundCloud account where he puts out mixtapes (allegedly).