DSG ScaryJerry: “To people that are doubting me after this split, you’re definitely gonna eat your words. Next split, […] I’m gonna just be insane.”

Q: Even though it’s a brutal loss, it was pretty expected — how does this hit your mental?
ScaryJerry: How is it affecting my mental? I mean, it is a pretty hard loss in the sense of “Okay. Your split’s over,” because it’s only two series. But it’s helping my mental a lot, because I just need to take solo queue really seriously, practice very seriously, and just worry about myself, if that makes sense. Just because of the way LCS games work, the small things matter a lot.
Especially as an ADC, just being able to stay alive, [solo queue] works really well. I also had a pretty long off season before January, since September. In September, we played Americas with Maryville, and I hadn’t taken a break in two years. So I took four months off. This whole January I’ve been trying to improve, and I’ve been improving a lot. In terms of laning phase, I’m already becoming one of the best ADs in the LCS, I’d say. Just in terms of laning. I mean, okay. I have some things I need to improve on. […]
If people are saying I’m not a laning ADC, especially from what I did in Tier 2, they just don’t know anything about me. Because if you look at Tier 2, nobody could breathe against me in laning. […] I just think if people are gonna give me anything (a good team fighter, a good laner), I think it makes more sense to call me a good laner than to call me a good team fighter.
But, anyways, I think it showed through in these series as well. Like, if you look at the series against 100T and even this series, I’m doing fine early game at least. I’m doing my job. I think this series, I just pushed my limit a bit more, looked for more angles. And I did pretty well early, but if you look at skirmishes and teamfights I just lose my hands, and I’m not positioning or dodging key abilities. So that’s what I’m gonna look to improve on.
I’m really confident that, once I just improve at at that taking solo q more seriously, just caring a lot more about small things, I’m gonna be a good AD.
Q: How are you and the team getting along? I’ve heard
ScaryJerry: I mean, I like the general […] Everyone says “Oh, we have a good environment,” but what does that mean? I think it means people are good at having conversations, and they’re good at making other people feel heard. Because a lot of times if someone gives you a long point or gives you a long feedback, if you’re just like, “Oh, okay. That makes sense.”
That’s not being a good teammate. [It’s best to make] someone feel heard. So I think our teammates, they’re very good with people. They’re personable. We try to hear each other out. We try to give each other feedback. We care about each other’s improvement. You know what I mean?
Even in this in these games. Obviously, it sucks to lose to fucking DIG. But in the game, there’s no tilt. Even that last game we’re down so much gold. Everyone’s still looking for the next best play, and no one’s really blaming anybody.
Q: Any fun anecdotes that you have?
ScaryJerry: I mean, we went to an escape room, and we got Top 10 in times on our first try. We got that synergy.
Q: Was anyone particularly good or particularly bad?
ScaryJerry: Honestly, escape room was piss easy, but, no. I don’t know. I mean, I just I live in the moment, you know? So I gotta think back now and experience it. […] Oh, we also play some board games a lot. We play a ton. One-night werewolf. We try to just hang out as a team.
Q: I heard from huhi that you all cook for eachother, right?
ScaryJerry: We cook as a team. […] Personally, I just cook ground beef stir fry. I’ve been cooking since I was at Maryville, so it wasn’t really new to me. I cooked every day at Maryville. I cook every day almost now at DSG. It’s definitely a lot harder with a pro schedule because you literally scrim from 11 am-7 pm or 11m -10pm, and, on top of that, I try to go to the gym most days.
Q: With such a tight schedule, what do you do to unwind?
ScaryJerry: Well, I think to unwind … I don’t really do anything to unwind. On my off days I just try to play solo queue. I mean, I’m a rookie at the end of the day, so I need to spend every second that I have being productive and trying to get better, because I have some catching up to do for sure. So these off days, I’ve just been doing that.
At Maryville I would play basketball, and we would hang out as a program a lot just because we had like 20 people in the program. And here I really like my teammates, but, you know, I don’t really know them that much, if that makes sense. Like, we hang out, but [we met a few weeks ago] and we got good vibes but it’s definitely been a shift in environment.
I kinda had to go through that while I was here. It’s just… I’m getting shit on or scrims are going rough, and it’s not like I’ve got some people that understand me that I can just go talk to now. I feel like, damn, you know, I’m in a new state away from everybody. And these people — they care about me, but, at the end of the day, they don’t really know me that well. So that’s definitely another goal for the two-month off season: to get to know everybody.
Q: Are you planning on staying in NA or going to Korea?
ScaryJerry: Yeah. We threw the word Korea out a bit, you know? Some people laughed. I think now there’s there’s gonna be less laughing and more “Maybe we should go to Korea,” just because of how this the the split went. But, yeah, I’m either gonna stay in LA and just play solo queue, or I’m gonna go to Korea. Tthat could be fun.
But you’ll see me get rank one if I stay in NA, 100%.
Q: Do you have a message to the fans?
ScaryJerry: I’ve got a message to the fans for sure. I just wanna throw it out there to to people that support me, and just people in general, just follow your dreams.
Don’t let anybody tell you what you’re capable of, because people just say a lot of things. Don’t let it affect you. I also wanna say to people that are doubting me after this split, you’re definitely gonna eat your words. Next split, I’m gonna come in, and I’m gonna just be insane. I have a lot of small things to fix up, but I’m gonna fix them up. So anyone that’s doubting me out there, you’re gonna eat your words for sure.