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100 Sniper: “I hate seeing other people win. I don’t want to retire.”

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Image via Riot Games

Q: Message to the fans?

Sniper: Thank you guys so much for supporting us. Keep supporting us, keep supporting our journeys. We will be a much better version of 100T next year, and I will bring this org a trophy, I can guarantee that. For now,[…] keep supporting us.

Q: Talk about your Aatrox pick in Game 2.

Sniper: I think we always had the pick into Rumble and this was the perfect Aatrox game, and when I’m on a comfortable champion I’m going to 1v9 the game — or at least win lane.

Q: What did you take away from your year overall?

Sniper: I feel super disappointed and grateful; I should’ve done so much more for my team overall if I’d just stayed the same from Spring to Summer, if I kept on improving. But I drastically got worse going into Summer split and disappointed not only myself but my teammates and everyone else.

I think from now on I have to just write down everything I know and just get my mind back in the [mindset] where i was playing so good.

Q: What are your offseason plans?

Sniper: I think I’m gonna go to the Netherlands with Viper for like a month and just bootcamp there, and then go back to Toronto and just do my own thing while I’m there.

Q: Are you going to retire?

Sniper: I mean, I hate seeing other people win. I don’t want to retire, I want to keep playing.

I freaking love playing League, and I just hate seeing the other team win, so I’m gonna keep playing no matter what until I’m the best version of myself.

Q: What was it like for you to learn from this team?

Sniper: I really enjoyed playing with everyone on my team, and I want to play with them again, especially River and Eyla. They always try to help me, or if they don’t know a way to express that they get their frustration out and give me a reality check that I’m playing bad and I need to step it up. If I didn’t have a player like that on my team, I wouldn’t be the player I am now for sure. And Quid too, Quid as well.

Q: Talk about your solokill-y top lane style.

Sniper: I feel like if you play the game naturally you’ll get solokills and that’s why I’m getting them. I just want to be a good player […] so I’m not really thinking about that, just gonna do my job.

Q: What do you think went wrong with comms and coordination today?

Sniper: For me, I’m a player that plays off feel. If I’m feeling good, I’m gonna play naturally and I’m gonna do good, do my job, even carry the game. But when I’m the opposite, [it’s like] the TL or R7 series. In terms of the game, after they were just perma lane swapping on us in the first game, […] we just didn’t know what to do, and we were all kind of tilted because we knew it was bad for us.

Q: Did that tilt stay in your heads going into Game 2?

Sniper: It definitely snowballed, for sure. I could feel that the team was much lower energy, and we definitely played worse.