Q: How’s your jet lag?
Quid: I’m not sure. I usually have jet lag, but [this time] I had jet lag for one day, but now I’m pretty chill. […]
Q: How does the tight schedule feel?
Quid: [The schedule] is a pretty big disadvantage for the LTA North teams, but in Summer they’re gonna come to LA, right? So I think it’s just whatever. It is what it is. It balances out.
Q: What do you think 100T needs to be considered the best?
Quid: The reason why people don’t think we are the best team in LTA North is that we are not consistently playing good. And, actually, this week, our scrims didn’t go well, so we had a lot of stress and [were] not playing as a team. But I think we just need to be consistent and trust eachother more.
Q: Since you scrimmed LTAS and LTAN teams, how strong is the South in general?
Quid: I think it’s pretty hard [for LTAN] to lose if North teams just respect the enemy — they don’t play macro that much, and just wanna fight every object on the map. So it’s pretty easy to predict their play. So, yeah, if a North team doesn’t disrespect the enemy, then it’s a really low chance to win for them.
Q: What’s the level of the 4 LTAS teams at this event compared to the 4 LTAN teams that didn’t make it here?
Quid: I think they’re pretty much the same level. […] I think Dignitas [without jet lag] would beat [the LTAS teams].
Q: Do you think the booing and crowd noise affected you and other NA teams?
Quid: I don’t know about [other teams’] personalities, so I can’t say.
But yeah, Brazilian fans are really high energy, and maybe only PnG fans had a bit of a bad manner — they were booing us when we [entered] on stage. But did it affect us?
To be honest, I couldn’t understand Portuguese, so I was just just laughing and […] I think my teammates also laughed a lot. Maybe Sniper got impacted by that. It’s hard because you can hear their voices during the game. They’re so loud, it could affect NA players. But I think they’re gonna beat them pretty easily. I’m not worried about them.
Q: Did the booing motivate you?
Quid: I think so, yeah. When they were booing us, I just felt like they really wanted the South teams to win. So I felt like “I’m just gonna win against them.” That’s all we can do for that booing, […] to just shut them up.
Q: What do you do for fun outside of the game?
Quid: Outside of the game, I just chill and go work out. Sometimes I just go Santa Monica Beach, get some dinner and walk around. Sometimes I go with team, sometimes with Tomo, or I even go alone.